building relationships that enhance and heal the world.
**Every day in every way I am getting better and better.
**I have everything I need for my here and now.
**I love myself totally and unconditionally as I am right now.
It is important to have words that help direct the flow of energy - mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, etc. Our words have energy.
The old adage "stick and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt" is not fully true. Words have power. When each of us claims that power and directs it with the right intention we are and our world is whole, corrective, just, inventive, enlightened, brilliant, peaceful and so much more.
Since we don't know the details of all our good at the beginning we can set ourselves up for better by declaring the above affirmation until it is the only good statement we say as we embark on the intentional journey for change. Peace, This is Denise